Monday, June 25, 2012

Lets flood Mexico with assault weapons to allow criminals in Mexico to kill their own people

Lets flood Mexico with assault weapons to allow criminals in Mexico to kill their own people, along with Americans, so the public will be outraged that these assault weapons, easily obtained in the US, are getting into the hands of criminals who commit murder, and in turn give us a greater platform to control and take guns away from American citizens. This is EXACTLY what the Justice Dept. did under Eric Holder. I guess they didn't expect that a US Border Patrol agent would be killed by one of those weapons released to criminals, and a firestorm of criticism and investigations into this corrupt, boggled, unauthorized "Fast and Furious" plan would be hitting them like a ton of bricks. Cover-ups, Executive Privilege, redacted papers. Yeah, Holder and the Justice Dept released 1700 pages of information and don't know why investigators want more. Well when most of the pages released look like the one pictured, I think a request for MORE information is warranted. If there is no cover-up, why not release everything requested? The Obama administration;Rotten from the head down. And the sheeple flock.

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