Thursday, June 28, 2012

Cartel Shmartel. It's just one life.....for a cause

Why did Attorney General Holder, through the Justice Dept, allow the choice and delivery of our most sophisticated/high tech assault weapons to Mexican Drug Cartels and criminals? Why distinctly choose those particular weapons, if Holder and crew knew they would definitely find the hands of criminals who have no deference to laws or life, when those in charge of this brainless operation could have chosen from hundreds of other "less" sophisticated weapons, thus limiting the danger to the public? The surreptitious reasons behind the choice, in my opinion, was to manipulate public opinion and action to push for banning those particular assault weapons from American citizens who choose to lawfully and responsibly own them for protection, hunting or sport. This behavior is directly from the liberal playbook; if you can’t get your way through public opinion or votes received, you then try to legislate from the court. If that doesn't work you then fabricate, cheat, manipulate, silence and brainwash to get your way. If that doesn't work, you rinse and repeat, but never, never play by the rules the plebs must.

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