Tuesday, June 26, 2012

King Barry lays down the law!

The Supreme Court unanimously upheld Az. law requiring proof of residency for anyone they ask within guidelines, and the liberals and Obama are up in arms - enraged that the Supreme court has upheld this. The law says Az. law enforcement can require proof of citizenship if they suspect someone is here illegally, but they can't stop or detain someone solely for that purpose. This is the State Law and logical. What does King Obama do? He orders The U.S. Department of Homeland Security yesterday to rescinded agreements that allowed seven Arizona law enforcement agencies to check the immigration status of suspected illegal immigrants, further hindering the state’s ability to enforce SB1070 following the U.S. Supreme Court’s landmark ruling yesterday. This is unbelievable! So Obama doesn't like a law and actively goes against a valid state law because he doesn't like how The Supreme Court ruled, and obviously to garner political points with people sympathetic to instant citizenship for illegal immigrants. Obama will pull Federal assistance, and ignore and not uphold our laws anytime he feels he doesn't like them; this is a dictatorship not a Democracy, and in this Republic, Democracy rules. We aint Cuba yet Barry. This guy and his disrespect for our laws and the will of the American people must get the boot from the White House in November.http://azcapitoltimes.com/news/2012/06/25/homeland-security-revokes-287g-immigration-check-agreements-in-arizona/

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