Thursday, June 28, 2012

Cartel Shmartel. It's just one life.....for a cause

Why did Attorney General Holder, through the Justice Dept, allow the choice and delivery of our most sophisticated/high tech assault weapons to Mexican Drug Cartels and criminals? Why distinctly choose those particular weapons, if Holder and crew knew they would definitely find the hands of criminals who have no deference to laws or life, when those in charge of this brainless operation could have chosen from hundreds of other "less" sophisticated weapons, thus limiting the danger to the public? The surreptitious reasons behind the choice, in my opinion, was to manipulate public opinion and action to push for banning those particular assault weapons from American citizens who choose to lawfully and responsibly own them for protection, hunting or sport. This behavior is directly from the liberal playbook; if you can’t get your way through public opinion or votes received, you then try to legislate from the court. If that doesn't work you then fabricate, cheat, manipulate, silence and brainwash to get your way. If that doesn't work, you rinse and repeat, but never, never play by the rules the plebs must.

The strongarm of justice

You will now be FORCED to buy Obamacare or forced to pay a tax. This is how it works with a tax: You get a tax bill. You don't pay it. The IRS sends you another bill with a penalty. You don't pay it. They send you several more bills with more added fees for penalties. You don't pay it. They send you a letter saying they are going to take that unpaid tax from your tax refund. You don't have a refund coming? They send you a letter saying they are going to seize your bank account or property. You hide your property, or try to obstruct their collection efforts. The IRS sends you a summons to court. You don't go. You then go to jail. So you see you will be FORCED to buy this. I don't have to buy insurance if I don't want to own a car. I shouldn't have to buy Healthcare if I don't want it. Just another tax by a liberal socialist. I've had enough.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Fat Cats and Gas

Money, Class warfare, the have-nots and the haves; Romney has a Swiss bank account, Obama got a sweet land deal that makes him a million etc, etc, etc, and all this political class crap...Who cares! To us They are ALL rich fat-cats. Obama is as Rich as Romney, lives like a King and will make Millions out of office. What we care about is JOBS and GAS PRICES, and SECURITY. For my dollar I'll bet on Romney over Obama. I'll take a business man over a socialist community organizer anytime. Our choices might not be great ones but as usual, it's about settling with the least of the evils, and the only evil I've seen between the two in the last 3.5 years is Obama. Been there, done that.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Killing is fun when you get to aim low for the little ones

Of ALL the dozens of things a woman needs in life and HAS to have, why, why out of ALL of those choices does Obama choose to fight for mandatory payment for birth control in healthcare plans, paid for by businesses and Churches, and abortion at all stages of in utero growth through federal funding of Abortion factories like Planned Parenthood???? Excuse the crudeness, but why not pay for Tampons instead?. Every woman / girl over a certain point in life will need those; they certainly don't NEED birth control or an abortion. Why not cover other medical procedures that heal, such as in-vitro fertilization or infertility treatments, to create life and joy instead of destroying it by funding abortion and birth control? Why? As proven by his ultra-far-left record on abortion that garnered him the title "Most-pro Abortion Senator/President in history", he is an evil / immoral man. What else would explain his passion for abortion and his embracing of the death of the smallest and frailest of us before they breath air. It's just not normal to want to pay for murder, when you could pay for positive healing items or procedures that are not being paid for now. It's just nuts to me.

King Barry lays down the law!

The Supreme Court unanimously upheld Az. law requiring proof of residency for anyone they ask within guidelines, and the liberals and Obama are up in arms - enraged that the Supreme court has upheld this. The law says Az. law enforcement can require proof of citizenship if they suspect someone is here illegally, but they can't stop or detain someone solely for that purpose. This is the State Law and logical. What does King Obama do? He orders The U.S. Department of Homeland Security yesterday to rescinded agreements that allowed seven Arizona law enforcement agencies to check the immigration status of suspected illegal immigrants, further hindering the state’s ability to enforce SB1070 following the U.S. Supreme Court’s landmark ruling yesterday. This is unbelievable! So Obama doesn't like a law and actively goes against a valid state law because he doesn't like how The Supreme Court ruled, and obviously to garner political points with people sympathetic to instant citizenship for illegal immigrants. Obama will pull Federal assistance, and ignore and not uphold our laws anytime he feels he doesn't like them; this is a dictatorship not a Democracy, and in this Republic, Democracy rules. We aint Cuba yet Barry. This guy and his disrespect for our laws and the will of the American people must get the boot from the White House in November.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Lets flood Mexico with assault weapons to allow criminals in Mexico to kill their own people

Lets flood Mexico with assault weapons to allow criminals in Mexico to kill their own people, along with Americans, so the public will be outraged that these assault weapons, easily obtained in the US, are getting into the hands of criminals who commit murder, and in turn give us a greater platform to control and take guns away from American citizens. This is EXACTLY what the Justice Dept. did under Eric Holder. I guess they didn't expect that a US Border Patrol agent would be killed by one of those weapons released to criminals, and a firestorm of criticism and investigations into this corrupt, boggled, unauthorized "Fast and Furious" plan would be hitting them like a ton of bricks. Cover-ups, Executive Privilege, redacted papers. Yeah, Holder and the Justice Dept released 1700 pages of information and don't know why investigators want more. Well when most of the pages released look like the one pictured, I think a request for MORE information is warranted. If there is no cover-up, why not release everything requested? The Obama administration;Rotten from the head down. And the sheeple flock.


The most looney Nancy Pelosi says there is a nationwide conspiracy by Republicans to suppress the vote. The only thing Republicans want, is for you to have an ID proving you are an American citizen before you can vote. Have you ever seen a group of intimidating Republicans at polling places; stopping people from voting, or in the booth forcing people to vote a certain way? Me neither. Liberals and loony Democrats are ridiculous.