Monday, April 15, 2013

Terror attack in Boston shines light on Obama's marathon of weakness

For 8 years, at the peak of Al Qaeda's power, momentum, and funding, and after 911, President George W. Bush kept America safe, with not one terrorist incident on American soil and no atrocities waged against our citizens or representatives overseas that were left unavenged, if not thwarted. 

Advancing to the present, we have a president who sees no need to be as hyper-vigilant about our protection from those who would commit acts of terror or war against the U.S., and in his wisdom has decided to reduce funding to our military, attempt to remove our ability to defend our families with anything greater than a baseball bat and claim victory over Al Qaeda-while committing them to irrelevance. And has only strengthened the assaults on the rights and privacies of citizens here in America. 

While Barack Obama has been President, he has presided over the cover up of the terrorist killings of Libyan Ambassador Christopher Stevens, Navy SEALS Glen Doherty and Tyrone S. Woods and U.S. Foreign Service Officer Sean Smith in Benghazi, after they repeatedly called for backup and protection days before, as well as the day they were slaughtered, while fearing for their lives.

Today, almost twelve years after the greatest terror act in American history and only four years into the Obama administration, we are hit again with another terror attack on our soil; this time in Boston as families gathered to cheer on loved ones running the marathon. 

As America mourns the loss of more of its children and empathizes with the suffering of their families and those who have been gravely injured in this gutless act in Massachusetts, I wonder how President Obama will dance the “Liberal Spin” to his favor.

How will this be manipulated for political gain by a President who has seen fit to spend most of his time partying with Hollywood elite (in our White House he says we can’t visit), vacationing like a king virtually every month, golfing with Tiger Woods at $70,000 tax payer dollars per excursion and campaigning for his liberal agenda, while placing his political energies into limiting our right to bear arms, appeasing and paying Muslim and Asian dictators, thwarting our constitution with Executive Orders, debasing our economy by printing and borrowing money, covering up the cause of the murders of our representatives in Libya, and postulating victory over the very enemy who may have committed this second act of terror merely four years into his watch.

You can bet he will spin this to be the fault of the previous administration, crazy clowns, people clinging to their guns and God or anyone other than the enemy he has claimed to have defeated, but what he won’t do is blame it on his reckless policies and orders/non-orders that have weakened America and emboldened its enemies, both foreign and domestic.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Piggybacking on segregation is Gay.

It galls me to no end how gay marriage proponents equate their desire to redefine marriage, created for a man and woman, with the plight of segregation and abuses African Americans endured from the ship to slavery to the streets of Selma. 

Lynchings, hate mobs, separate cafeterias, separate bathrooms, separate schools, separate hospitals, separate water fountains, rapes, starvation, hobbling, no right to vote, public advertised images of of negative, vile stereotypical slave portrayals, all examples of what African Americans had to withstand before the Civil Rights Act.

Today gay people are not only free of the criticism that any African American existing in the pre-civil rights era had to live with, but in fact it's just the opposite; they are on every show, in every movie, in every office, in every neighborhood, in every restaurant, in clubs in every high school and college in America, with millions of businesses scattered all throughout America patronized by people of all walks, colors and sexual orientations, and with their images on billboards, posters and advertisement displaying them in the most favorable light.

Today you don't have to speak out against homosexuality or gay marriage to be attacked, all you have to do is not stand up FOR their "Rights" that were never rights to begin.

Where is the similarity?

There is none!

Every African American, and anyone who knows history, straight or gay, should be outraged at this comparison to the plight of African Americans for hundreds of years until 1964, and the sustained effort to piggyback on a true human rights plight this country and those not white experienced.

Proponents for gay rights, go and fight for what you want, but don't for one minute think that the majority of Americans sympathize or empathize with you, because they don't. Thirty States who have banned it are what we call proof in the pudding, and more will follow if the people of this country are not usurped by judicial activism.

Proponents of gay marriage; sorry, you don't qualify for someone seeking asylum from atrocity.

No need to spew the prerequisite poo of bigot and Homophobe at me. I'm nether of those labels, and I've heard it all before, but if it helps you vent go ahead.

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Pie in the face or indoctrination? Your choice

In the 1960's radical protests were all over America at America's university and college campuses.

The only difference between then and now is the radicals at that time were mostly the students.

Now the majority of radicals on college campuses ARE the professors indoctrinating your children to liberal tenets and ideology.

Domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, who bombed the Pentagon, along with left wing loon professor Ward Churchill and the like, are either professors or regulars on college campuses today and hailed as heroes by the left in charge of those once great universities.

Juxtapose this with the treatment of anyone deemed conservative, and by conservative I mean anyone believing in anything other than those socialist leaning left wing Democrat liberals believe.

Conservatives are boycotted, yelled off stage, assaulted or hit with pies or any item or action necessary to shut them up and not let their side of the story be heard.

There is no fairness of thought today on liberal college and university campuses, especially in Ivy League schools and on their grounds where likes of Bill Ayers, who dedicated his first book to Chairman Mao; a man who caused the death of 70,000,000 people in Communist China, is received like a prince, while heroes like John McCain are treated like road kill; not worthy of being heard or seen for one moment at institutes of higher learning that would not have seen the light of day had it not been for brave Americans, and wounded warriors like him, who fought for their freedom to espouse left wing garbage.

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Think twice and maybe three times before sending your child to one of these universities or campuses where the most dangerous thing might not be finding out that your child has failed or your son is an alcoholic, or that your daughter just might be that girl in the gone wild video, but finding out after they graduate and receive their diploma that they've been taught little of the real world outside of cocktail party liberal doctrine, nor have they had anything other than fleeting exposure to differing opinions than those preached by the most radical anti-Americans among us whom our students call teacher.    

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